I'm Ian Mandap
A Full-stack Developer with 2+ years experience as a Certified Public Accountant specializing in Tax Compliance.
Ruby on Rails App social media app for sharing Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) characters and their rich backstories.
A Ruby on Rails task management app for keeping track of tasks and their respective categories.
A JavaScript media discovery application that allows users to explore music, movies, shows, podcasts, or games.
Websites/apps built during Avion School and The Odin Project.
A Full-stack Ruby on Rails app that simulates stock trading with initial data provided by an API.
Ruby on Rails blog app
A JavaScript web app that allows users to play Tic-Tac-Toe against an A.I. using emojis on a 3x3 to 7x7 grid.
JavaScript Banking App Admin Dashboard and Budget Tracker for users.
Working Calculator built with JavaScript
Web App built to explore JavaScript onchange events
Momentum Chrome Extension clone built to explore Document Object Model (DOM).
Rock-Paper-Scissors web game
Mockup Landing Page for coffee beans
Chessboard built to learn about Grid
Chessboard built to learn about Flexbox
Event form mockup to learn about HTML forms
First website built with HTML and CSS
An attempt to copy the Google Homepage to learn about CSS.